Hi everybody!
This is Sophie here and i am going to tell you a bit about Fiji!
This term i have been taking swimming lesson with the rest of my school.
I am in the second highest group and Ethan is in the highest and in the squad.
Iam enjoying Fiji (sort of) but I am missing Australia and all friends and family.
The thing sI like about school is my teacher Mrs Susau, my friends Kyra and Charis. It is alot of fun playing outside. It is different to Sydney school becuase you can take peanut butter to school, there is alot more grassy areas and there are no smartboards or play equipment, just grass and it is different because instead of K-2, it is K-4 and that means that you can make more friends and all the kindy kids are very popular and are so cute.
We are getting a puppy soon and I am very excited. The name I want is Winston and so does dad. I'm also starting dancing soon which I am scared about because I'm new.Goodby everybody!
Piano lessons with Gulnara. |
Bubble fun |
Bit of art on a lazy Saturday |
Oh and one just for Grandad and his birthday-