We've had a run of visitors lately -first the team from Queensland and then our annual CMS pastoral visit for the past 3 days. It is very helpful to be able to talk to the "experts" who have been there and done it. We basically talked, prayed,drank tea and tried to pretend the dog was less annoying that it is. It was also fun to be able to introduce them to our friends here (notice that I said friends -plural!) who are also some very key people in the ministry.
In other news, the weather has been really cool lately and my jeans have had a good workout. I even wore socks to bed the other night! Soph has stopped throwing up, Hannah is in the middle of half-yearly exams and Ethan is getting into painting miniatures(see photo below). So, that's about it on the home front -Tony's parents arrive in a bout 3 weeks and then Ethan heads back to Sydney for a Christian camp and some grandparent/cousin time.
Saturday lunch introducing them to friends (including the wonderful doctor who fixed Tony's eye) |
They treated us to a beautiful dinner out on the town. |
Meeting our taxi driver friend Jonny(Ali) |
Ethan's favourite pastime -painting these with his Dad. |
What we have read/are reading this year. Would highly recommend them ALL! |