Saturday, 31 October 2015

Yes, still here and still busy with various things. Here's a little bit of the goings on of late..
Conquering a massively high mountain with youth group.
Celebrating Hannah's 16th!
Fiji Day school assembly.
Whole family holiday
Celebrating Soph's U.N Writing Award with a "dramatic reading".....
and a cake too!!

Friday, 4 September 2015

Here's an update of the last.. however long it's been. One of these days, I'll actually aim to have a higher amount of content than pictures, but for now, this is what we've got.
Hansie and I FINALLY got to the end of our Gilmore Girls, and made sure we went out with a bang!
Happy 16th Birthday to our beautiful Hansie girl.
Enjoying a visit from our friend Michael, who was able to see our life and ministry here.
and try dressing the part.
Soph just came 3rd in 100m final.
Just completed a Biblical Trauma Counselling Course.
This was my smaller group -loved meeting them!

Thursday, 23 July 2015

During the recent 3 week break from school, the kids were able to go to Camp MMM, which is a Christian camp run by CMS in Sydney. It is a brilliant thing for the kids to be able to do for lots of reasons. Not only do they hear great bible teaching and then discuss it in groups, but they are reminded of the importance and privilege that mission work is and are spurred on to come back and keep doing we're doing. Also, they are building on their friendships with other Christians, a great foundation for when they return to Australia in the future.

The visits are also great for the endless medical and dental appointments, visiting family and being able to speak at link churches, which I did on our final Sunday there. We missed Tony who stayed back in Suva to work, but all up, it was a massive treat and we are very thankful indeed to generous grandparents.
Camp MMM
Trying to keep warm in about 4 degrees
Setting up night time activity
Hannah didn't go hungry this trip....
Ice-skating with Grandad
Selfies with Papa
A visit from the youngest and cutest member of our family
Helping grandparents get ready for a fancy dress party

Sunday, 7 June 2015

The blog has been a bit neglected lately due to a combination of sickness, police still having our laptop and some good ol' fashioned laziness. Here are some updates on what we've been doing the last few weeks.
A scene from Beauty and the beast
After the show.....
Our bible study leader teaching us how to make an authentic Indian curry...
and roti!!! Yum.
Getting ready for the Fiji Fashion Week Children's Show
Soph was helping her classmate, who designed a whole section of kidswear.
After the show -wearing a Tuckers Ice-cream t-shirt. (one of the sponsors)
Playing the BB boardgame they just finished making.
Don't really get it, but they seem to be having fun!

Thursday, 30 April 2015

A week in the life.....

I thought I'd give you a brief run down of what my week looks like here in Suva -because I KNOW you have all been losing sleep wondering WHAT IT IS exactly, that I do here. Ha! So..

MONDAY: Get kids off to school and then head straight to the Women's Prison for numeracy and literacy.
Entrance to the prison.

What I've been teaching them so far this term.
 Come home ,have lunch and then do housework and planning while Tony does the grocery shopping.

 Girls have piano lessons after school


I go to my friend Nozomi's house and help her with her english. Then after lunch I meet up with my friend Jill for a chai and a chat about our prison work and just general life stuff.

Then I pick up Soph from school and we head out to the orphanage to help the kids with their homework.
After dinner, I head out to a women's bible study group with ladies from church, which I love.
Back to the prison again -this time for craft. I am teaching the ladies cross stitch, which, if you know me at all, is hilarious! God's sense of humour right there my friends.
After school I pick up Soph from gymnastics and we do a bible study together with the kids. They also get to have dessert that night, so we combine it with an episode of The Amazing Race or something similar.
THURSDAY: I am starting a bible study group with some uni graduates in town with our wonderful administrator Ateca. Our first official one will be next week.

In town where we will meet for bible study


Other than that, time is taken up driving kids to tennis, boxing helping with homework, walking dog etc... same as everyone else!

FRIDAY: I usually have a rest, catch up on reading, plan Sunday school etc...
Just finished or currently reading.
SATURDAY: Different each week, but usually involves a bit of homework now that the kids are older. We try to venture out and do something fun, but often they want to see their friends rather than their parents....go figure!
A recent family trip to see some dolphins.

 SUNDAY: Tony and I (and often the kids) teach Sunday School at church in the morning. The afternoons are often slow- and include napping if we're lucky!
The class -primary aged.
Soph's preferred position on a Sunday...and in fact, most days.

Our church building.