Thursday, 23 July 2015

During the recent 3 week break from school, the kids were able to go to Camp MMM, which is a Christian camp run by CMS in Sydney. It is a brilliant thing for the kids to be able to do for lots of reasons. Not only do they hear great bible teaching and then discuss it in groups, but they are reminded of the importance and privilege that mission work is and are spurred on to come back and keep doing we're doing. Also, they are building on their friendships with other Christians, a great foundation for when they return to Australia in the future.

The visits are also great for the endless medical and dental appointments, visiting family and being able to speak at link churches, which I did on our final Sunday there. We missed Tony who stayed back in Suva to work, but all up, it was a massive treat and we are very thankful indeed to generous grandparents.
Camp MMM
Trying to keep warm in about 4 degrees
Setting up night time activity
Hannah didn't go hungry this trip....
Ice-skating with Grandad
Selfies with Papa
A visit from the youngest and cutest member of our family
Helping grandparents get ready for a fancy dress party