1.Having our friend Graeme staying upstairs where we are- and him and Tony trying out more pubs and restaurants. Someones gotta do it!
2. The kids spending all day Saturday with the grandparents at Scienceworks -they loved it!! Really cheap too,followed by dinner at kid-friendly pub down the road.
3. Our new Fijian church on Sunday morning. Beautiful singing, friendly people, some of it was in english.......and of course, it only took about 12 minutes of walking into the building before Tony was up behind the microphone ha,ha!! The minster has already found a place for Tony on the preaching roster! Good thing too, since he has been having withdrawels. All the kids loved it and are looking forward to next week......I'm pretty sure giving the kids hot chips and coke in Sunday school helped.
In other news, this is how Ethan and Soph spent their afternoon on Friday -seeing what they look like with ALL their clothes on..... you cant say us Wrights don't know how to have fun!! Here are the before and after shots:
Oh yeh, Judi Dench was the other one..in case you were on the edge of your seats..
Who are those people? Michael Cera? Ellen Page? I'm so out of touch! Love the windswept look at the Pier. You're cool. xx