Thought I'd do a couple of posts that give an update on the kids -and about schooling, which is the most frequently asked question. So, Hannah first. Last year she went to a Christian school, which we didn't like, so the second half of the year, she was home-schooled. That helped her to get to an age-appropriate level and prepare her for the International School that she has just began. She loves it and says that she "has finally found a little patch of the North Shore" -meaning that it is comfortable and familiar and she feels at home there. She loves her friends, most of her teachers and finds the work interesting and do-able. Getting herself up early, lunch done, uniform ready and on a bus in the mornings has been new this year -and she is a champion at it! Here are a few pics.
In the art room. |
Athletics Carnival. |
Unfortunately last weekend, Hannah started to feel pain in her stomach so we left church early to head home. Before we even got to the car, she collapsed on the footpath and wasn't responding to me. Tony was at home looking after sick Soph, so some men on the street helped me carry her to a bus stop and they called an ambulance.(only $9 for the ambulance!!). We spent the next 6 hours in hospital waiting for test results, but nothing showed -just given antibiotics for a virus. Anyway, a couple of days off school and a bit of chocolate and all seems ok again. Thankful for that!
On a drip in hospital. |
Glad to read that Sophie is OK. The Karavakis are alright in Germany :-) Regards and prayers for the fanno and Buddy from Janine and I.