Sunday, 10 June 2012

Albert Park

A place we wish we had found earlier in our Melbourne stint would be Albert Park. Gorgeous shops, cafes, parks etc.. and near a lake. But especially fun with the Fabulous Bakers -our wonderful Sydney friends whose company we are completely milking while we can!! Could have happily sat in this cafe for hours chatting away.

In other news, we are down to our last week here at SAH...unbelievable. These are some of the things we will miss when we leave, including the gorgeous little boy in the photo(they train 'em young down here)!!
1. Being cooked for EVERY NIGHT! Have I already mentioned that??
2. The excellent staff and the other students- washing dishes, praying, setting tables, holding babies etc together.
3. Tilly the resident cat.
4. Living in a space where I can vacuum the whole unit using one powerpoint. (I'm fairly easy to please!)
5. Singing with people who wholeheartedly get into it.
6. Being around people who are about to have a major life change similar to us and don't think we're "ruining our kids futures"
7. Friendly Melbournians on their bikes. It took me a while to realise they didn't "mistakenly think they knew me", but were just being plain friendly. Go figure!
8.The massive array of books to read in our library.
9.Having Coles and K-Mart right next to each other.
10.Having not much of a social life outside of SAH , hence alot of time together just the 5 of us.

Will be great to be back in Sydney though...see y'all soon!

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