Sunday, 3 June 2012

The home stretch..

Here's "crazy Ethan" on CC-RR-AZY HAIR DAY!
Two weeks left and gettin' excited! Just a few classes about things like deputation, communication etc.. and our farewells, final dinner, graduation ceremony- fun stuff like that! Not to mention the kids combined farewell party next this space! I always thought I'd have alot more to say on a blog, but apparently not huh? Anyhoo, here are a few photos from the last few days.

Never actually went here, but have a thing for red doors
The brilliant Brunetti's- partially responsible for alot of my clothes no longer fitting.
Sunny Lygon Street
Will miss this view as we set the table for dinner each night
Enjoying a Sat. morning treat with our fellow students
A fun Sat. night dinner with our lovely friends The Prices!
A little bit of good ol' Tom Foolery!
The dad's getting in on the boy fun.


  1. Yay Brunettis!

    A near-daily haunt of ours when we visit Melbourne.

  2. I have never been to Brunetti's. After living here for nearly 18 months and never set afoot in the place. It's a shame you are on the countdown or we could have gone together. We are looking forward to Albert Park on Sunday, though!

    Love Ethan's coloured locks.

    No doubt the farewell party will be lots of fun.
